
Returning The Stolen Picasso

Picasso's Femme Blanc

The Femme en Blanc has just recently been recovered after being lost for 40 years! There are several people who claim rightful ownership of this piece. Your task is to decide who is the rightful owner of Picasso's acclaimed Femme en Blanc.

To read the true complete story, view this website: http://www.dailyillini.com/jun03/jun25/news/stories/campus01.shtml

A Webquest for a group of 4 or more ( teams may be made)

Each player has a specific role, each must prove they have rightful ownership of the famed Femme en Blanc. The are  four characters or roles including an Art Investigator, a Gallery Owner, An Activist  for Original and Historical Ownership, and a Governmental Plunder and Spoils of War Expert.

Each player must complete a written task provided on the page of their role and must create a Power Point Presentation of their roles' views
(must present pros and cons).

After all players have presented, each student will write a one page essay on their viewpoint of the issue, not necessarily the viewpoint they presented. Each student must use ideas presented and must support their opinion. It may be helpful for each student to take notes during the presentations to further support their viewpoint.

To view how you will be graded click here