

1. Students will investigate different viewpoints of issues involving ethics, including ideas of repatriation and original ownership.

2. Students will express differing viewpoints by creating and presenting a Power Point in front of their peers.

3. Students will record reasons and ideas from the presentations and be able to communicate in writing their own opinion of the issue.

Rubric for Grading:

Completion of Webquest  (25 Points)
0-15 points

student does not turn in the assignment or the work is incomplete or inaccurate
15-20 points

student turns in work, answers show minimal effort
20-25 points

student turns in work, shows insight and understanding of ethical issues
Creation of Power Point  (25 Points)
0-15 points

student does not complete Power Point or viewpoint is not clearly represented
15-20 points

student completes Power Point, minimal effort and
20-25 points

student shows creative Power Point and indepth knowledge of viewpoint
Presentation of Power Point (25 Points)
0-15 points

student does not present Power Point or does not show good presentation skills
15-20 points

student presents Power Point but does not explain more than the slides state or only reads the slides

student presents with ease and understands information as well as explains viewpoint in depth through slides
1 Page Essay  (25 Points)
0-15 points

student does not turn in essay, does not complete full page assignment, or does not stick to topic
15-20 points

student turns in essay, only minimal effort shown, does not expand on opinion or shows weak support
20-25 points

student turns in complete and creative essay which expands on ideas presented and also shows a clear opinion