Art Investigator

Femme lisant (Olga)

Visit the following sites to learn more about Picasso. Use these sites to answer the following questions:

1. What formal art education did he recieve?

2. What stylistic movements did he follow?

Visit the year 1922, the year when Femme En Blanc was painted, at ,
to learn about Picasso's stylistic experimentations during this period.

3. Femme En Blanc is a Neo-Classical painting, what makes this painting Neo-Classical?
(This may require you to find another source. Go to if you need to find a site on Neo-Classical art)

4. After searching these sites decide, what makes Picasso's art valuable and why?

Here are other sites to help you on your journey:

Remember, it is your job to represent the art world  in determining who is the rightful owner of this piece. Don't forget to create a Power Point Presentation with your ideas about this story and ownership related to the things you found out about the piece.